Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School: Back to school shopping ripoffs?

Victoria Back to School by myvirtuallady

Stress-free Back to School Shopping Tips

The countdown has begun for many parents and students waiting for the reopening of school doors. Now that the lazy days of summer are winding down, its time to get focused and get in gear for school.

No need to stress yourself out with all you have to do. Take one day at a time. One tip that I go by is to get the main school supplies like paper, pens, notebooks and folders and save the major supplies after the first week of school when you have the specifics of what your child needs. This is also a great time for adults to stock up on office supplies because the sales are so good.

Another piece of advice I have is to avoid the stores on the weekend. Its not worth the aggevation unless you absolutely can't make it to the store during the week. I went to Target around 6pm on a Thursday and the school supply section was virtually a ghost town with plenty of supplies still on hand.

You don't have to rush to get a new wardrobe for your child either unless they outgrew all their clothes over the summer. Most kids who don't wear uniforms can get away with wearing summer clothes for a couple of weeks until it gets colder. Make sure to check with your child's student handbook to follow the rules regarding dress code.

For discount sports apparel and jeans, try Steve and Barry's, a discount retailer that sells men's, women's and children's wear. Most items doe not go over $12.88 including footwear. This is the store that features the popular Star One line by NBA star Stephon Maurbury.

Other deals for young children's clothes can be found at Old Navy and Children's Place. Both offer two/for deals such as two pairs of jeans for $24 or two sweatshirts for $24. They also routinely give out coupons that give you deeper discounts the more you spend which could come in handy especially when purchasing for multiple children.

Don't overlook the warehouses for back to school deals. At BJ's in Linden, I found good quality rolling book bags for under $20. They also had big deals on mechanical pencils and other necessities for all students. I find it most beneficial to get snacks and drinks from Costco or BJ's because they last a long time especially if you only have one child.

Another place that you may find good deals is at your local grocery store. While you are their picking up your food, they have great displays at the front of the store with back to school deals like ten notebooks for $1.

Well I hope you don't wait until the Saturday before Labor Day to start your shopping because if you do, I can't help you. If you do wait for then, my advice is to relax and get what you can get. The stores will still have supplies on hand, you may just have to pay more for them.

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Buy what you need for the first day of school but don’t buy too much for the rest of the year. Some items, such as pencils and pens, might be useful to stock up on if there is a great sale. But since many stores overstock on items, you may actually be able to find some bargains by scanning for sales after the back to school rush is over.

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