Thursday, September 30, 2010

Houston Texas Reliant Stadium 2009  Texans Locker Room Suite Hallways Football Field Statues Trainers Weight Room Scoreboards Signs Bench Flags Roster Practice field bubble Bar Grass Seats P9302678 by mrchriscornwell

Are you overweight?

If you are like 67% of Americans you are. Perhaps you are looking for a starting place to begin turning your life around. If so, then you have found it!

The following is provided as a great starting point to begin losing weight.

Loosing weight has many health benefits including increased energy, lower blood pressure, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, and lower risk for cardiovascular disease.

Where should I start?

The first place you should start is with a good note book. Writing down your goals and keeping records of what you eat as well as the kinds and amounts of activity you do is very important. Not only can you track what's working and what's not, writing down what you put into your body can help you to make healthier eating choices. If you are going to have to write down that you ate a cookie, it may make you think twice and reach for a carrot stick instead.

What about diet?

Modifying your diet is important because if you make poor eating choices, it could negate any progress you have made with exercise.

A main staple in your diet should be protein. Protein helps to build muscle and muscle is very metabolically active. One pound of muscle is said to burn 50 calories a day.

Fruits and vegetables should make up a large portion of your diet as well. They contain many vitamins and minerals and are also a good source of fiber. Fiber is important because it helps you to feel fuller for a longer period of time. This helps to keep you satisfied until your next meal.

You should limit your intake of carbohydrates and sugars to a very small amount.

5 to 6 meals a day rather than the standard 3, help to keep your metabolism running high. The key here is to make the meals smaller and eat every two to three hours.

What kind of exercise should I do?

One of the best things to do is circuit training. Circuit training is where you complete several different exercises in sequence, back to back, with little or no rest. The reason this type of workout is great for weight loss is because it utilizes all of the major muscle groups by using a lot of compound movements. For a good 20 minute circuit workout try this one: A fat loss workout: Quick and simple!

Circuit training can also be applied to lifting weights. For a simple circuit try this.

1. Barbell squat
2. Bench press
3. Seated row
4. Lying leg curl
5. Military press
6. Sit-up
7. Dumbbell step-up
8. Back extension

For these exercises, choose a weight that will let you complete 10 repetitions of each. The only rest you should have between exercises is the time it takes you to set up the next exercise. Complete 3 rounds 3 days a week, with a day of rest between workouts. This should help you build a good solid foundation of muscle which, as stated earlier, is great for weight loss.

This is just a beginning guide to weight loss. Once you build a good base of fitness don't be afraid to branch out and try new things.

Remember these key things:

1. Keep a notebook to record your daily routine and eating habits.
2. Implement a clean diet with plenty of protein, fruits, vegetables, and limit your intake of carbohydrates and sugars.
3. Exercise at least three days a week with circuit training.

Weight loss is not about a diet or exercise so much as it is a lifestyle change. Add these tips to your life and stay positive. Change may be slow, but with perseverance it will come!

weight bench
Best Weight Bench

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